
2023 UIP & Campus Asia Plus Joint Symposium Successfully Co-hosted by WCSS and Tohoku University

West China School of Stomatology (WCSS), Sichuan University, and Graduate School of Dentistry, Tohoku University jointly hosted the 2023 University Immersion Program (UIP) and Campus Asia Plus Joint Symposium. The symposium’s opening ceremony, held at WCSS on June 27, welcomed more than 20 experts from Tokyo, Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia, representatives from WCSS, and 260 participating students. The ceremony was presided over by Professor Jiefei Shen from WCSS.

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During the ceremony, Professor Ling Ye, co-chair of the symposium, Dean of WCSS, and Vice President of Sichuan University, expressed sincere gratitude to the co-organizer, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, and other supporting universities. She extended a warm welcome to all experts and students in attendance. 


Professor Ken Osaka, Dean of the Graduate School of Dentistry at Tohoku University,  commended the productive long-term cooperation between the two institutions. He highlighted the progress of the Campus Asia Plus program and conveyed his best wishes for the symposium’s success. 

Following this, Professor Pornchai Jansisyanont, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at Chulalongkorn University, Professor HyeWon Lee from the School of Dentistry at Seoul National University, and Doctor Benso Sulijaya from the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Indonesia, addressed the symposium respectively. Athaya Angel, a representative from the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Indonesia, delivered a speech on behalf of the students.

After the opening ceremony, Professor Xianglong Han hosted the academic segment of the conference. Professor Kasekarn Kasevayuth from the Faculty of Dentistry Chulalongkorn University and Professor Nina Ariani from the Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia delivered the beginning lectures for all students. Meanwhile, foreign guests had a tour of WCSS.

The 2023 UIP & Campus Asia Plus Joint Symposium serves as a platform for integrating high-quality teaching resources from some of Asia’s premier dental schools. Additionally, it fosters the opening up and exchange of ideas among dental colleges in Asia, particularly in the realm of talent training and scientific research.